Brooklyn’s Friendly Experts for Dog Grooming and Training

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My Two Dogs Team


He grew up with dogs in Michigan but has been a New Yorker for over 30 years! During his time here in NY he was a sous chef, movie theater manager and manager of a dog walking department in NYC. In 2001 Gary made a career change and went to grooming school, the rest is history. He opened up My Two Dogs Inc. with his wife Annie in 2008 and still continues to enjoy as much live music as possible, collecting concert t-shirts and bad cinema.


In 2001 Annie adopted Lucy as a puppy with the intention of her becoming a therapy dog. Annie instantly fell in love with the training aspect and knew this would be a great way to integrate her passion for dogs and her BA in Psychology. Soon after becoming a certified therapy team with Lucy, Annie went on to also become a CPDT-KA certified dog trainer in 2006. Annie believes that training should be a fun learning experience for both the owner and the dog. She loves learning so much that she continues to take webinars, seminars and classes to expand her knowledge of training, behavior and dog health. 


Since the age of 5, Daniela always knew she wanted to work with animals. Her dog, Xian, is her biggest  inspiration. Daniela graduated in 2017 with her Master’s in Animal Behavior and Conservation. She went on to complete the Dog Training Certification program with Animal Behavior College. 

She met Annie through the internship part of the program and has been training with My Two Dogs ever since. In 2021 she received her CPDT-KA certification. Daniela strives to keep companion animals in their homes, educate animal caregivers and provide a safe, but fun environment during her training sessions.



Priscilla Queen of the Groom Shop came into our lives September 2015. We received a call from a friend of ours over at the Brooklyn City Shelter telling us she had a dog that we might be interested in adopting. She sent us a photo and Gary melted.

We met her the next day and of course she came home with us! The only thing anyone knew about her was that she was a 7 month old owner surrender. She is quite the character! She is loud, quirky but so lovable. She has some issues that she is working on but she is the right fit to take on Board of Director duties!


What can we say about Phoebe! Her story is actually very cute. We took Priscilla to her first dog event – a fundraiser for Sugar Mutts Rescue and Phoebe (at that time she was known as Flop) had just arrived from the south. They found each other and started playing. Hmm, we began to think that maybe we found the second of the “My Two Dogs”.

Priscilla went off to daycare at Sugar Mutts, they got along nicely, so we brought Phoebe (Flop) home for a trial run. That was October 2015. We made it official and changed her name to Phoebe Flop and that crazy hound/lab mix has kept us on our toes ever since!



Lucy was born in 2001, not sure what month, we think March but we know she was only 8 weeks old. We’re pretty sure she had a nice life; lots of training classes and she even became a certified therapy dog!

She was our original official greeter, and everyone who knew her, adored her. She will always be our best example of what good training and socializing can do!

Sadly, Lucy left us in 2015 at the age of 14. She left us with great memories and a wealth of stories! She will always be with us and be a part of My Two Dogs.


We picked her out of a shelter in 2002. She was a bit of a mess; afraid of men, loud noises, being touched and absolutely NO social skills. You could say she was a good example of training & patience, and she loved to test that!

She worked through most of her problems but she still loved to bark at anyone and everything! She used to fly her freak flag and let us dye her tail and ears hot pink and ultraviolet.

She also left us in 2015 at the age of 14 but left us with memories and laughs to last a lifetime. She too will always be with us and forever be a part of My Two Dogs.